
Friday, March 8, 2019

simple scenes with simple blend stencils & essentials by ellen

The Brutus Monroe Simple Blend Stencils are perfect for creating simple scenes for the Essentials by Ellen Grand Lady and Little Gentleman!
Today is release day for the latest Essentials by Ellen! My awesome friend Brandi Kincaid has illustrated 3 really beautiful sets, including 2 new characters Grand Lady and Little Gentleman.
I'm a HUGE fan of white space on my cards so creating simple, small scenes is right up my alley. And I think they are perfect for the Grand Lady and Little Gentleman. Here's a quick video of my process...

4 Tools I Love For Scenes:

Thanks so much for stopping by and you can check out the whole Essentials by Ellen release HERE!

Happy Friday Hugs!

1 comment:

lostinpaper said...

These are so wonderful Carly!